Advanced Contact Us Form

Original price was: £79.99.Current price is: £59.99.



An Advanced Contact Us Form helps you tailor information more specifically to understand your perspective customer

Checkboxes vs. radio buttons

When should I use checkboxes?

Checkboxes are used when you have a list of options and the user can select multiple choices. An important thing to note is checking one box doesn’t uncheck other boxes. An example of this could be a list of dates a person is available and they can check all that apply.

One exception to this rule is when it is a stand-alone single checkbox. For example, a user could check the box if they want to subscribe to a newsletter.

When should I use radio buttons?

Radio buttons are used when there is a list of two or more options and the user must select exactly one choice. Radio button options are mutually exclusive which means clicking a radio button will unselect any previously clicked radio button.

Because one radio button must be clicked, it’s a good idea to ensure that one is selected by default.