Google Adsense Setup & Installation

Original price was: £69.99.Current price is: £59.99.



Google Adsense Setup and Installation

Google AdSense allows publishers to place ads on their websites and other “real estate” in exchange for a “commission.” These publishers make up a portion of the Google Display Network that advertisers can leverage through Google Ads.

In the image below, the recipe website uses Google AdSense to allow 2 advertisers to place banner ads on their site. The recipe site is paid by Google for the success of these ads. (More on this later.)

Google AdSense is perfect for website publishers who are already getting traffic and want to monetize it.

Read on as we go over the main differences between Google Ads and AdSense, for whom they’re geared toward, and what their cost structure is like.

Difference Between Products

Below, we’ve highlighted some core differences between the Google advertising options so you can make decisions on how best to distribute your ads budget.


Google Ads (Search) Generate traffic to your own site from Google as a search engine.
Google Ads (Display) Generate traffic to your own site from the Google Display Network of publishing partners, mobile apps, and video.
Google AdSense Generate traffic for other sites as a Google Display Network publishing partner.


Google Ads (Search) You know that your audience searches for your products or services on Google, and you want to show up in the SERPs for those queries.
Google Ads (Display) Your audience may not know about your product or service and aren’t searching for it on Google. However, a visual ad may catch their eye if you can show up on the sites where they do hang out.
Google AdSense Your site is generating traffic, and you want to monetize it. You don’t mind “renting out” real estate on your site to advertisers that your audience may find interesting.

Cost Structure

Google Ads (Search) You pay a fee every time a user clicks on one of your ads. This cost per click (CPC) can vary based on how much you bid, your ad rank compared to the competition, and your quality score. For this reason, more competitive keywords can have a higher CPC.
Google Ads (Display) You can choose the right pricing for your goals: Paying by cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM), or cost-per-action (CPA). CPC is better for generating traffic, CPM is better for generating awareness, and CPA is better for conversions.

According to Google, you bid for placement, and “the winner of the auction pays the minimum amount necessary to outrank the next advertiser in the auction.” Competition drives up bidding, so industry and highly sought-after publications may cost more.

Google AdSense Participation in AdSense is free, and you receive commission for the clicks, impressions, and other interactions the ads on your site receive from users. For this reason, your audience, the ad placement, and the ad quality will all be factors in how much you can make with AdSense.

As you can see from the table above, cost structure depends on a number of variables. We’ll go more in-depth on it below, starting with Google Ads