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Appointment & Client Booking Websites

Take control of bookings and future appointments today today

Schedule meetings, list the services, collect payments, manage staff.

  • Best Appointment scheduling Software AppSchedule Appointments
    Clean, simple tool with powerful calendar scheduling features that can handle all your appointment bookings. Features include online booking, pos with payments and mobile apps.
  • Clients salon software management and online booking softwareManage your clients
    Maintain client relationships with advanced software management features with detailed client appointments history, booking preferences, future bookings and contact details.
  • Salon and Spa software to reduce client No ShowsReduce No-Shows
    Send automated reminders and custom messages to clients about appointments and notify them of any changes.
  • Salon Scheduling appointment dashboardActivity Dashboard
    Keep track of daily appointment scheduling activities and never miss a beat. The free dashboard displays up to date appointment bookings, online bookings, appointment cancelations and client notifications.
  • Online Bookings software for Salons and SpaOnline Bookings
    Supercharge your appointment bookings by allowing customers to book appointments online through your own website, Facebook or online booking apps. Allow clients to book, cancel or reschedule their own appointment bookings through the app.
  • Point of Sales software for Salons and SpasSales & Products
    Point-of-sale built-in, takes care of your sales transactions, invoicing, receipts, taxes and retail product management.
Zoom Meetings Being Implemented on Websitelynx

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Can anyone remember a time before Covid-19? As the coronavirus outbreak drags on, it’s up to us small business owners to get through the storm and make the best of, well, a pretty sucky situation.

These are challenging times, sure. But like anything else, with the right tools, and the right strategy, you can keep your business going even when a vicious, invisible, and zombie-like virus threatens to shut you down.

Sounds too good to be true? What if we told you that you already have these very tools right at the palms of your hands? We can Implement ZOOM on your website, no need to worry about unncessary Face to Face contact and social distancing with your clients

Thanks to recent integration with Zoom, you can now move your entire business to the safety of the online universe, and add online video appointments to your list of services. How about that.

What is Zoom?

Let us explain
A Cloud video conferencing services company that opened shop in San Jose, California in 2011. It provides an easy, intuitive remote conferencing service that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, webinars, and mobile collaboration.

Zoom video conferencing

While Zoom was doing great even before the coronavirus outbreak, the new reality of social distancing and remote work has skyrocketed their popularity to the point that their stock has jumped more than a 100% (!) since February.

The reason? Everybody’s online right now. Family and friends, professores, teachers, students, doctors, coaches, consultants, lawyers – we all want to stay connected and Zoom is the app that keeps us all together.

Zoom video conferencing

How to Get Started With Online Video Appointments

Our integration with Zoom means you can now offer and sell online video appointments as easily as you were used to selling in-office, face-to-face appointments in the Pre-Coronian era.

All you need to do to get started is connect your Zoom account to your web account.


Covid 19 – Sort out your SEO

SEO structure starts on your website. It is called on-page SEO, and it is the part of your SEO process over which you have complete control. There are guidelines issued by the search engines, which will help you to fill out your websites SEO. Here are fifteen of those guidelines.

1 – Keyword Research

Research the best keywords for your site. Look at what your competitors are using for keywords, and try a few keyword tools. Remember to target your audience and consider all the word that they will type into the Google and Bing search engines.

2 – Put your keywords in bold

This is an old trick, but is still effective. All you have to do is highlight one or two of your keywords when they first appear on the page. You do not have to keep highlighting the same keyword; you need only do it for its first appearance. You can also use italic.

3 – Make your URLs search engine friendly

Do not name your pages (URLs) with numbers and symbols. Add in some words to make them easier for a human to read. In addition, you should try to make some of those words as descriptive as possible, and adding in a few keywords will help too.

4 – Install a SSL Certificate

Websites that are secure using https:// instead of http:// now appear higher in the search results. If you cannot install your own SSL certificate ask your host to do this for you. When it is installed, you have to make sure all your website pages are secure and not with mixed content. Also make sure that all your website version with http:// and with www. all forwarded to your new https:// URL.

5 – Organize your website

You need to make sure that your website and your menus are well organized so visitors can easily find what they are looking for. Add Call To Action and Forms to your pages to make it easy to contact you or shop.

6 – Increase the quality 

Google and Bing/Yahoo are optimized to search out high quality content. Their methods for determining quality are fairly crude, but it will not help your case if your content is weak, fluffy, heavily SEOed and has multiple obvious spelling mistakes. Search engines measure how much time people spend on your website after using search. If you have a bad website people will leave it faster.

7 – Add a keyword to each page title

Your page title is a very important piece of text because it tells the reader what the page is about and it tells the search engine what the page is all about. So, you should try to add a keyword or two into the title. Just make sure the title is still easy to read for humans.

8 – Be wary of your loading and render times

The render time is the time it takes for a web page to go from white, to starting to load. A long render time will increase your bounce rate. The loading time is the time it takes from the beginning of the render, to the point where everything is loaded. A long loading time will damage your websites SEO.

9 – Optimize your internal linking

Every page should have at least three internal links on it. Three is the bare minimum, and this includes checkout pages too. Internal links are the ones that link one page to another. External links are the ones where you link your page to one outside of your website.

10 – Use H tags on your pages

Learn how to use them correctly and then apply them to your website. They show the search engine which words are important and which are not. It will help you if your web content is quite varied.

11 – Integrate social media

There are hundreds of widgets that you can add to your website. They will help you to link social media and your website. Do not put the widgets everywhere, but the addition of a few here and there will help your SEO in the long term.

12 – Optimize your images

Make sure they do not take too long to load, and make sure they have their ALT text filled out. If you are able to give them a title, then you should. You should also name your image files something SEO friendly before you upload them onto your website.

13 – Create a sitemap

Create an XML sitemap. If you have a WordPress website, you can create a nice XML sitemap with the Yoast SEO tool which will create a dynamic XML sitemap for you. Then you have to add the URL of your sitemaps to your Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools account.

14 – Make your website mobile friendly

This is very important because people now do more searches from mobile devices than from desktop or laptop computers. Make sure that your website can be used easily from a cell phone. Contact forms should be easy to fill and submit. All your phone numbers should be clickable.

15 – Fill out your Meta Description tag

This is what may appear on the search engine’s results page, and is a nice opportunity to sell the content of your web page. Create this text that will make people to click on your website. You should make sure that it has keywords in it if you want to feel any positive SEO effect.

Covid 19 & having someone manage your SEO

SEO matters during COVID-19 because:

  1. There is no “bad” time to publish evergreen content, a staple of SEO.
  2. The visitors you do attract right now are likely to be highly qualified.
  3. SEO gains won’t start paying off until three to six months out.
  4. Search is only going to be more ingrained in our lives after the pandemic.

SEO is especially important for small businesses during the coronavirus pandemic because:

  1. Travel restrictions are causing consumers to seek out nearby businesses.
  2. Consumers are looking for SMBs to support.
  3. SEO is the means by which SMBs can stand apart from competitors.
  4. It is free and you might just have the time.

SEO may be a potential solution for businesses experiencing the financial burdens and slower pacing of COVID-19. It can help you to become more visible on searches being performed now, and also to set yourself up for success once search behavior normalizes.

Bounce GMail

Bouncing an Existing Email

1 Gmail, open the email you want to bounce.

2 Click the Block button.

3 Select the “Reply with…” option.

4 Make sure “Fake Bounce-Back” is selected in the dropdown that pops up.

5 Click “Send response”

Hope this helps with those annoying emails !