Covid 19 & having someone manage your SEO

SEO matters during COVID-19 because:

  1. There is no “bad” time to publish evergreen content, a staple of SEO.
  2. The visitors you do attract right now are likely to be highly qualified.
  3. SEO gains won’t start paying off until three to six months out.
  4. Search is only going to be more ingrained in our lives after the pandemic.

SEO is especially important for small businesses during the coronavirus pandemic because:

  1. Travel restrictions are causing consumers to seek out nearby businesses.
  2. Consumers are looking for SMBs to support.
  3. SEO is the means by which SMBs can stand apart from competitors.
  4. It is free and you might just have the time.

SEO may be a potential solution for businesses experiencing the financial burdens and slower pacing of COVID-19. It can help you to become more visible on searches being performed now, and also to set yourself up for success once search behavior normalizes.